Nearly everyone is aware of the dangers of using a cell phone while driving, whether a driver is texting, emailing, or trying to look something up online. However, when that driver is steering a massive vehicle that weighs up to 80,000 pounds, the danger is significantly heightened. If a distracted truck driver collides with another vehicle, they could easily inflict severe injuries upon others.
Fortunately, federal regulators recognize these dangers and impose strict standards on truck drivers regarding cell phone use. Federal rules restrict how and when truckers can use cell phones to minimize the number of dangerous distracted driving crashes.
The New Braunfels truck accident attorneys at Burch Law Firm have an in-depth knowledge of trucking laws and know how to hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions when cell phone use leads to an accident.
If you’ve been injured by a driver using a cell phone and want more information about your situation, contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable Texas truck accident attorney.
What Are the Cell Phone Rules for Truck Drivers?
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is the government body responsible for regulating the commercial trucking industry and setting industry-wide safety standards. The FMCSA has rules in place that restrict the use of cell phones while driving by drivers of commercial vehicles. Although they may use hands-free devices, commercial drivers are prohibited from using a hand-held mobile device behind the wheel of a big rig.
Specifically, drivers are not allowed to:
- Dial a cell phone by pressing more than one button
- Use at least one hand to hold a cell phone to make a call
- Reach over to grab a cell phone if it means the driver is no longer in a seated position behind the wheel or restrained by a seatbelt
In addition, the FMCSA also has a “no texting” policy. This policy prohibits commercial drivers from:
- Manually entering a text into an electronic device
- Reading a text on an electronic device
Why Ignoring Regulations Can Lead to Dangerous Behavior
Research by the FMCSA on cell phone use by commercial drivers shows that commercial drivers are six times more likely to be involved in a crash or near-crash if they are dialing a phone behind the wheel. A truck driver going 55 mph can drive the entire length of a football field without looking at the road in the time it takes to dial a phone.
Driving while dialing or reaching for a truck phone means that the driver is taking their hands off the wheel and their eyes off the road, the very definition of distracted driving. A driver who is focused on making a phone call is likely diverting their attention away from the act of driving. Unfocused drivers are more prone to making significant driving errors that can lead to catastrophic collisions.
What Are the Risks and Punishments If Rules Are Ignored?
One of the risks of using a cell phone to either call or text is that a driver can cause a serious accident. Collisions with large commercial trucks can cause catastrophic damage, especially to passenger vehicles. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that in one recent year, at least 72 percent of people killed in large truck crashes were the occupants of the other vehicle. A truck driver risks their safety and the safety of others when they choose to use their phone while behind the wheel.
The FMCSA also lays out specific punishments that a driver may face if they break rules regarding cell phones for truck drivers. These punishments include:
- Driver disqualification
- Fines up to $2,750 for drivers
- Penalties up to $11,000 for employers
If Commercial Drivers Use Cell Phones, What Could Happen?
In addition to the fines and penalties from the FMCSA, a commercial driver could also face the possibility of:
- Lawsuits from crash victims
- Loss of their job
- Increased insurance premiums
- Potential criminal charges
Contact Our Experienced New Braunfels Truck Accident Attorneys
If you are involved in an accident with a distracted truck driver, contact the New Braunfels team at Burch Law Firm. Our highly experienced team of attorneys understands what it takes to hold distracted truck drivers and their employers accountable for their negligent actions. With over a quarter-century of experience in personal injury law, we know what it takes to build a successful claim.
Contact us today for your one-on-one free case evaluation. When you call Burch Law Firm, you talk to an attorney.